Kelly Jones Leafs Through His Record Collection In This Intimate Clip

Stereophonics are a rock institution.

The Welsh band’s output has weathered time and trend, building a huge audience who soak up every single word.

A massive touring act, their concerts have long since mastered the fine art of rock music, a group who always deliver.

New documentary Don’t Let The Devil Take Another Day focusses on frontman Kelly Jones, with director Ben Lowe granted unprecedented access to the singer’s life.

Out shortly, the film is accompanied by a brand new 21 track collection, featuring a host of fresh recordings from Kelly Jones.

As Ben Lowe puts it:

“I’ve been to hundreds of gigs in my life – shooting with my camera or purely as a fan – but I’d never experienced a show quite like Kelly’s on this tour. You recognise there’s something pretty special happening on-stage if the performances, and the stories he was telling between them, can make an audience laugh and cry on the same night.”

“I wanted to make this documentary feel as truthful and heartfelt as Kelly’s shows. I knew it would be beautiful to hear these songs in a theatre, but I was really blown away. After the tour when Kelly told me about his first few months of the year, I felt inspired by the courage and honesty of it all.”

Don’t Let The Devil Take Another Day looks to be a must-watch for fans, as well as being able to stand as a distinct aesthetic statement in its own right.

We’ve been handed an excerpt from the film, which features Kelly Jones sifting through his record collection – a source of continual inspiration, it’s where he gained his love of music.

Returning to those records as an adult, he looks back on what he’s learned, and is at times lost for words.

A hugely revealed watch, you can check it out below.

Don’t Let The Devil Take Another Day will be in UK cinemas on December 11th followed by the global on-demand premiere on December 18th. More information at

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