Paul Molloy's 'My Madonna' Is A Pop Sike Dream

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Paul Molloy has earned his stripes, long-time guitar slinger in Mersey psych cadets The Coral.

Deciding to focus on some solo material, he brings his experiences to the fore, filtering all shades of guitar pop through a lysergic lens.

New album ‘The Fifth Dandelion’ lands on August 21st, released through his own Spring Heeled Records.

Taken from the LP, new song ‘My Madonna’ is a psychedelic love song, all Moog flute pirouettes and Left Banke style baroque flourishes.

We’re hearing elements of the Zombies, while it’s worth placing alongside peers such as London’s fantastic Green Seagull.

The video was pieced together by Paul Molloy and his partner Fiona Skelly, hand-cutting each illustration.

Esteemed filmmaker Dom Foster did the rest, a kind of Terry Gilliam salute with a nod towards Magical Mystery Tour.

Paul Molloy says…

“’My Madonna’ is really about my girlfriend, written when we first started going out, a piano ode to all that’s good about her. Then, my mum died and the piano in her house was where I practiced those parts, before recording them in that room on a portable 8-Track. So, it took on the memory of my mum too, who was a huge music fan. She supported me in following this path, encouraging me to stay determined.”

Tune in now.