“My main goal is to blow up and then act like I don’t know nobody.” Riff Raff may have gone Vine viral with that quote many, many moons ago, but you gotta be careful where you repeat it in real life. A poor sixth grader in Colorado City, Texas learned that the hard way.
Indicas Koonaloak-Young, 11, was quoting Riff Raff’s famous words in class last week when his teacher overheard him. He says he only got through the words “my main goal is to blow up” before his teacher intervened, thinking he was threatening to cause catastrophic damage to the school. Koonaloak-Young told local news outlets that he was immediately taken to the principal’s office and suspended for making a “terroristic threat”; when his suspension is over, he’ll transfer to an alternative school.
That’s ridiculous enough on its own, but the legal proceedings made it all even more confusing. Koonaloak-Young’s father Bino Villanueva said that they received a notice summoning them to a juvenile court date of Aug. 28, but when they showed up, they were told there was no court appearance scheduled after all. It’s unclear whether or not Koonaloak-Young is going to be arrested or face jail time; as the family tells it, they’ve been getting mixed signals from law enforcement, and they’re taking it all with a grain of salt. “I’m still a little scared that I may or may not get arrested because I might have a warrant on me,” Koonaloak-Young told local news. “But besides that, I feel good.”
The silver lining is that Riff Raff is aware of the entire fiasco. The rapper wrote on Instagram in response: “I NEED A PRODUCER TO SAMPLE HIM RETELLING THE STORY AS AN INTRO TO THE BEAT SO HE CAN BE A FEATURE ON THE SONG AND BLOW HIM UP SO HE CAN SHOW THE TEACHER WHAT HE WAS TRYING TO SAY BEFORE HE WAS interrupted.” I look forward to the day Koonaloak-Young can act like he never knew his narc teacher.
@newswithkarina Repeating a popular meme by a rapper known as @RiFF RAFF got a 6th grader thrown out of class and put in handcuffs. #riffraff #mymaingoal #mymaingoalistoblowup ♬ original sound – Karina Hollingsworth
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