Thyla Blast Through 'Fade' In This Wicked Live Clip

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Thyla have this wild sense of theatre to their sound, a gripping river of emotion that bursts out of the speakers and washes over you.

Their recent EP ‘Everything At Once’ was a bold listen, matching elements of Kate Bush to flecks of Kevin Shields style shoegaze.

The release had Clash yearning to catch the band live, but alas the pandemic has put paid to those ambitions.

We’ve nabbed a neat performance clip instead, with Thyla performing live in the studio.

Blasting through EP highlight ‘Fade’, the dreamy songwriting is reminiscent of Another Sky in its widescreen splendour.

Surging into fresh spaces, ‘Fade’ is Thyla at their most direct. The band comment…

“‘Fade’ is a song with two sides, on the surface it’s a three mins 30 pop song but the lyrics are pretty harrowing on a personal level. With this video we want to express the darker side of the song and the emotion behind the lyrics. We thought capturing a live performance in an intimate setting was a great way to do that. We made the setup raw and really stripped back and focused on a more intimate vocal delivery than we’re used too. It’s a little different to our usual sound but we love how it turned out.”

Lead singer Millie Duthie offers these thoughts on the track:

“As you grow up you realise things aren’t as they seem. The more you learn the more you realise you have to learn, and it can be a really painful experience taking off the blinkers of your youth. It’s hard to come to terms with the fact that a lot of your drive is based on a hedonistic attitude. Fade’s about waking up to some ugly truths about your personal life and development. How strong are your relationships really and where are you headed if you stay on this trajectory?”

Sapphire Needham directs the video, and it’s a riveting watch.

Tune in now.

Photo Credit: Phoebe Fox