Aminé Shares Brand New 'Riri' Video

Aminé has shared the full video for his single ‘Riri’.

The shoot took place a few weeks ago, but the final release of the video was delayed as American convulsed with huge Black Lives Matter protests.

Interweaving the editing process with his own commitments at these rallies, Aminé has now decided the time is right to share the video.

Exclaiming that it is important “to show Black joy” during these times, the clip takes you on a ride past those historic LA mansions.

‘”We shot this video before the murder of George Floyd and my knowledge of the Breonna Taylor case,” he comments “but I felt compelled to delay its release for obvious reasons. Activism is essential right now so I put my focus there for the past few weeks.”

“We skipped editing sessions to march in the Black Lives Matter protests. I’m dropping the ‘Riri’ video today because it’s important to show black joy in a time where we’re constantly seeing imagery of pain and suffering.”

Tune in now.