Britney Spears Loses Court Appeal Over Father's Conservator Role

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Britney Spears has lost her court appeal to contest her father’s conservator role.

Jamie Spears has been the pop icon’s legal guardian for 12 years, a role has assumed following her much-publicised mental health issues.

In recent years his role has been contested, with #freebritney becoming a core trend amongst her fanbase.

A move to change Jamie Spears’ conservator role was brought to court yesterday – November 10th – with lawyer Samuel Ingham acting on Britney’s behalf.

The lawyer said she was “afraid” of her father, and would not tour while he remained in his role.

During the hearing, Ingham commented that Britney Spears and her father have no “viable working relationship” and have not spoken in a “long while”.

Vivian Thoreen, Jamie Spears’ lawyer, defended his record, pointing out that Britney Spears’ interests are now worth around $60 million.

At the culmination of the hearing the US court rejected Britney Spears’ pleas to have her father removed as conservator.

Britney seems set to continue her quest. In a recent video to fans, she commented:

“I know that there have been a lot of comments and a lot of people saying a lot of different things about me, but I just want to let you guys know that I am fine… I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life.”

After the court hearing, Britney posted a vintage photograph of children playing to Instagram, using the caption: “Keep jumping towards your dreams”.

(via BBC)