Mastodon have new competition in rock-band-branded pickled foodstuffs market. Cults have announced their own line of pickled onions created in partnership with Grillo’s Pickles. The band’s Madeline Follin writes the following on Instagram:
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but our wildest dreams have come true! We partnered with our favorite pickle, @grillospickles to make an exclusive run of Cults pickled onions. All you have to do to enter to win one is follow @cultscultscults and @grillospickles on IG and comment on this post! You’ll also win an exclusive cults x grillos t-shirt and a copy of our new album TO THE GHOSTS on vinyl.
If you’re coming to our show in Boston with Vampire Weekend on 9/27, we’ll also have a limited number of Cults x Grillos shirts there!
Who will be the third noteworthy band to collaborate with a pickle company? I’m pulling for King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard.