When Olivia Rodrigo kicked off her Guts world tour a couple weeks ago, she also launched the Fund 4 Good initiative in order to “champion girls’ education, support reproductive rights, and prevent gender-based violence.” As part of this campaign, Rodrigo’s team linked up with the National Network Of Abortion Funds and invited local non-profits to table at her shows in each city, where these organizations often handed out condoms, emergency contraception pills (like Plan B), and lubricant for free to concertgoers.
On Tuesday night, Rodrigo performed in St. Louis, Missouri — abortion is illegal in the state — and she started making headlines after attention was drawn to the supplies that were offered by these nonprofits. And now Rodrigo’s team has prohibited these sorts of items from being distributed.
As Jezebel reports, the National Network Of Abortion Funds told its members that they could no longer hand out these supplies due to concerns from Rodrigo’s camp about the young children that attend her shows.
Destini Spaeth, who is the chair of the Prairie Abortion Fund, told Jezebel that they had emergency contraceptives ready to distribute at Rodrigo’s tour stop in St. Paul, Minnesota on Friday, but that they can no longer give them out. “We are missing the opportunity to share our resources and this feels almost performative when we have actionable things, like EC, that we could hand out to young people who encounter so many barriers to care,” Spaeth told Jezebel.
Abortion funds will still be tabling at Rodrigo’s shows, asking for donations and offering up merchandise to raise money.