Tycho Shares Immersive New Com Truise Remix

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Clash has always viewed Tycho’s work as being implicitly tied to our surroundings.

Perhaps that’s because listening to the producer is such an immersive experience – you need to afford yourself space to pick out all those exquisite details.

New compilation ‘Weather Remixes’ is out on December 18th, and it finds Tycho being re-worked by a plethora of guests.

Com Truise gets to grips with ‘No Stress’, pulling and teasing fresh nuance from his work.

Tycho producer Scott Hansen comments: “Com Truise is an artist whose work I greatly respect and admire. We both started out as a graphic designers, we both came up on the same label — Ghostly International — and we both had our breakthrough records around the same time. So I feel there is a deep connection between our bodies of work and am always inspired by the way he evolves his sound from release to release. One of my favorite Tycho remixes is his rework of ‘Awake’ so I’m very happy to present the Com Truise remix of ‘No Stress’.”

For his part, Com Truise adds: “I’ve been a fan of Scott’s work for as long as I can remember. At first was a fan of his graphic design work, and then found out he also made music under the Tycho moniker. And then fast-forward a few years later and we were label mates on Ghostly and we’ve done multiple live shows and tour together.”

“This is my second Tycho remix – the first was ‘Awake’ – which was special for me because I typically do not do any instrumental remixes, as part of the fun for me is building a new production around existing vocals. To be able to work with vocals in a Tycho remix was a whole new challenge in re-imagining the remix.”

The remix is available to stream on Clash below, but we’re also able to inform you about a very special Tycho live stream.

Taking place on January 1st, the producer intends to celebrate dawn with a unique performance.

He explains…

“Dawn has always been a special moment for me and an integral part of the Tycho live experience having found inspiration from my many sunrise sets at Burning Man. Please join me at sunrise on New Year’s Day 2021 for an exclusive livestream, Tycho Solo Ascent, from a wooded location in the rolling hills of Northern California.”

The sunrise set takes place on New Year’s Day at 7AM PST / 10AM EST / 3PM GMT / 12AM JST (next day) / 2AM AEDT (next day).

Get your ticket HERE.

And finally… here’s the Com Truise remix: