A. G. Cook Pays Tribute To SOPHIE

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A. G. Cook has shared a powerful tribute to his friend SOPHIE.

SOPHIE first came to prominence as a kind of parallel talent to the PC Music stable, and despite evolving into a unique creative cosmos the producer’s work would often be mentioned in the same breath as the collective.

Friends with many of the PC Music crew, SOPHIE’s tragic death earlier this year drew widespread tributes.

A. G. Cook knew SOPHIE for some time, with the two working on a number of projects together. A few moments ago, A. G. Cook shared his tribute to SOPHIE, and it’s a powerful depiction of a truly remarkable talent, a quite singular pop visionary.

He writes: “I’m still processing Sophie’s life… her nature, her work, her beauty. She was laser-focused and exceptionally intelligent, but also sensitive and perceptive. It didn’t matter whether we were talking about people or relationships or materials or music – she approached every topic with the love, care and intensity of someone who has truly lived.”

Looking back on specific moments, he recalls: “Many of her interactions had this pattern: a quiet but commanding charisma followed by a moment of distance, possibly even absence. Then suddenly the ice would be shattered by a surprising moment of playfulness, a whimsical joke or heartfelt remark. This heightened sense of being felt and being seen was always present, not just in her intimate moments with friends or her public moments on stage, but even during those in-between moments… in the studio, on set, in meetings, in transit.”

A. G. Cook recalls a surprise visit to meet SOPHIE’s father in Eastbourne – “he had essentially transformed the UK’s orange juice business after a work trip in California revealed quite how awful ‘natural’ fruit juice was back home” – and crafting the QT project together.

Describing her personality (“she could be critical, demanding, laid-back and mischievous all at the same time”) what comes through strongest of all in the letter is his deep and abiding love and respect for SOPHIE.

“Sophie was and always will be a wedding DJ. There were cute photos of her DJing weddings as a pre-teen, and one of the most joyous DJ sets we did together was for her sister’s wedding. It’s funny to think of us striking a balance between our own tracks and the ethereal ‘mainstream’ selections that are considered acceptable at weddings, but Sophie loved to win over crowds, to make people dance, and she had a vast knowledge of music from different eras which she could deftly weave into her own world. Amongst her USBs were some backup folders simply labelled 70s, 80s, 90s that I remember falling back on for various nights and afterparties when things needed to get a little matrimonious.”

The statement ends: “Maybe she’s here right now, visiting from a place with no rules and no limitations. Maybe she’s become a part of me, a part of everyone who loved her in their own way. It’s indescribable, to have lost a friend who was so caring and so real, and whose presence was a constant affirmation of life itself. And it makes me feel just like we never said…”

Read A. G. Cook’s beautiful salute to SOPHIE HERE.

Related: It’s Okay To Cry – Remembering SOPHIE

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