Bedroom Pop Auteur Sarah Kinsley Details Her New EP

New York bedroom pop auteur Sarah Kinsley has shared new song ‘Over + Under’.

A world unto herself, Sarah Kinsley is part of a wave of female pop artists – Clairo, girl in red, and so forth – who are doing everything themselves.

New EP ‘The King’ is a case in point – out on June 4th, it was self-written, self-recorded, and self-mixed.

New single ‘Over + Under’ relies on this sense of independence, with the undulating waves of electronics set against her haunting, fragile vocal.

A song about being stuck, the isolation of the lyric is offset by the sheer ragged beauty of the arrangement.

Sarah comments…

“‘Over + Under’ is a record about the only thing we know to be constant – the ebb and flow. In the midst of isolation and lockdown, I felt so stuck inside, surrounded by the same four walls and windows. I began to write, recording this feeling of being over and under in my journals. In the lyrics, I wrote of escaping to a crashing tide, chasing the clouds and searching for stability once more. I was lost in a place I knew so well and yet felt so far away from.”

“Out of this frustration I found myself one morning staring at my door. A glass cup. A trunk on the floor. My table. I began to knock against these different objects, suddenly creating sound with the same things that had made me feel so stuck. There was an entirely new sonic atmosphere literally in my hands, evolving into its own music.”

“There was so much more meaning in the mundane. The world around and beyond my window was breathing with me, telling me that things must change. Just like the tree in my backyard, I would be something new tomorrow.” 

Tune in now.

Photo Credit: Julia Khoroshilov

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