Daniel Bachman Feuding With Former Label Tompkins Square Over Master Recordings Of Old Albums

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For over a decade, Daniel Bachman has been cementing his role in the music scene as a guitar virtuoso. Today, the Virginia musician took to X to detail his struggles acquiring his masters for his first two albums from his old label Tompkins Square Records.

“Here’s a little update for those who have been following my attempts to get my masters back for my first two records,” he wrote. He continued in a thread:

Tompkins Square took my stuff down after I called them out for posting zionist takes on the label IG. A few months later I heard from him saying if I sign an agreement to stay silent & not speak bad about the label anymore he’d give them to me for free. I said no, give them to me no strings attached, to which he said no deal, but you CAN use the masters anyway you want, I just wont own them. Josh has always been a bully to me and I choose non participation with him bc its best for my mental health & happiness. If you’re seeing this Josh, just be cool, do the right thing and give me my masters back. If you’ve been missing those records lately thanks for the patience.

Tompkins Square is an independent label based in San Fransisco that focuses on gospel, blues, jazz, and country. They responded to Bachman’s posts, writing, “I have the same number and email I’ve had since 2011. Ain’t hidin’ ! Tried to email and call you couple months ago. Been returning masters to many folks who signed ancient contracts in past few years. Many of yr friends. Dragging someone / a label publicly without contact first ?”

Bachman replied, “Josh you and I both know we have been speaking through a lawyer dude. I dont like to talk to you because you are a bully and get weird, just like you are being now!” He later added, “My terms have been presented it is you who will not agree to them. Out of respect for the privacy of this whole thing I wont share screenshots of what asked me to sign but still shocked you were perusing my silence. You know who my lawyer is dude, thats how Id prefer to talk.”