Django Django – Glowing In The Dark

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I don’t really get why Django Django aren’t bigger than they are. Their first three albums were glorious musical celebrations filled with great ideas, pop sensibility, retro chic, catchy riffs, and huge sing-along choruses. What’s not to like? In my mind they are main stage headliners at every festival with the crowd lapping it up. As I ponder this, I’m also reminded that their last album, ‘Marble Skies’, came out in 2018. Time flies eh? To remedy this, they have released a new album. It’s a kaleidoscopic neon wonder called ‘Glowing in the Dark’. Luckily for us it picks up where ‘Marble Skies’ left off, but ramps up the song writing, and production, to hitherto uncharted regions.

‘Right The Wrongs’ could be the most Django Django song ever! It feels like everything the band has previously done has been leading this is majestic piece of indie disco pop. Imagine Devo’s incendiary ‘Gut Feeling’ covered by a bunch of kids who grew up on pop music and White Lightning. The title track has the potential to destroy any dancefloor when it is played out. The beats are crisp and Vincent Neff’s stuttering, glitching, vocals are some of the best he’s ever recorded.

‘Waking Up’ features Charlotte Gainsbourg singing a breathy duet. Calling it the standout moment on the album is an understatement. Gainsbourg’s appearance elevates the album to another level and adds an extra texture to the tale of love, loss, and redemption.

While ‘Glowing In The Dark’ isn’t their strongest album to date is it their most accomplished. The wonky fun of their debut has been replaced with slick productions and the songs just sound amazing for it. This is in part down to their production. Everything sounds sharp and clear. At times, the melodies are beyond catchy. Django Django are also taking more risks. ‘The Ark’ is a broody instrumental that only when it finishes do you realise that no one has sung a word. This feels like a massive step up for Django Django. After playing the album on loop I can’t wait to glow in the dark with them.


Words: Nick Roseblade

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