Mint Julep Introduce New Album 'In A Deep & Dreamless Sleep'

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Mint Julep have laid out plans for new album ‘In A Deep & Dreamless Sleep’.

The wife and husband duo took time to focus on separate projects in 2020, before reconvening to work on something together.

Set to be released on March 19th, the duo – Hollie and Keith Kenniff – have shifted their approach in a subtle yet striking way, embracing an openness in their composition.

“Our previous material tended to be structured largely in a verse/chorus setting,” Keith explains, “but these songs are more free flowing and through-composed with a focus on mood and texture.”

He continues: “A lot of the songs are more stream-of-consciousness than premeditated; we went with first ideas and let them guide the composition rather than planning a definitive road map – which hopefully lends itself to creating a specific and unique emotional connection.”

New single ‘Black Maps’ revels in a subtle, soft focus appeal, a kind of hazy, alternative take on synth pop.

Tune in now.