Rhys Lewis – Things I Chose To Remember

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With the release of velvety smooth and sweet ballad ‘When Was The Last Time?’, fans of Rhys Lewis and retrospective lovers of eye-watering inducing music eagerly await the release of ‘Things I Chose To Remember’.

This is Rhys’ first full album release for some time, after a few years of releasing popular singles from the upcoming album and EPs such as ‘In Between Minds’, and it does not disappoint. If you are looking for something to cry to, or maybe even contemplate the ever-impending doom that we are all going to suffer from life’s normal cycles and events – this is the album to do that, too.

Rhys Lewis captures the sadness that comes with the loss of a long-term partner through soft and choir-accompanied melodies in ‘Lonely Place’, sixth track on the album. After dragging you through the pit of despair that Lewis suffers when singing ‘Lonely Place’, he brings you back to life by following with positive, upbeat pop ballad ‘Good People’ which talks of the importance and gratefulness for having great people around, seventh track on the album.

The album’s focus is primarily on the loss of loved ones, but also the rebirth and growth that can come with a breakup – and how we turn our pain into positive energy, despite the urge to self-sabotage. With the use of Rhys’ silky indie vocal chords, piano, acoustic guitar, a steady tempo and anthemic gospel choirs – he has created an album that would be best accompanied by a campfire, your friends, some good wine and open ears.

It boasts growth both as a musician and songwriter, and has the potential to climb the charts with force, as our current climate cries out for a thoughtful, immersive, beautiful album like this one.


Words: Julia Hope

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