Last month, Melinda Ledbetter Wilson, wife and manager of troubled Beach Boys sonic mastermind Brian Wilson, died at the age of 77. Brian always credited Melinda with enabling him to escape from Eugene Landy, the psychologist who trapped Brian in an exploitative relationship for years. In his statement about her passing, Brian called Melinda his “savior.” Now, Wilson’s family has filed for a new legal conservatorship.
There are plenty of reasons to be suspicious about a legal conservatorship for a pop star because of the past few years of Britney Spears stories and because of Brian Wilson’s past experiences with both Eugene Landy and his father Murry. Melinda had been Brian’s conservator since their 1995 marriage and “attended to Mr. Wilson’s daily living needs, as Mr. Wilson is unable to properly provide for his own personal needs for physical health, food, clothing, or shelter” according to court documents. Wilson’s family says the music legend suffers from “major neurocognitive disorder (such as dementia),” so without Melinda, he’ll need someone else to look after him.
The court filing proposes that longtime Wilson family representative LeeAnn Hard and Jean Sievers serve as Wilson’s new co-conservators, and they say that he will continued to be cared for by his housekeeper Gloria Ramos. In those documents, Brian Wilson’s doctor claimed that Wilson would be unable to attend the court proceedings: “He is easily distracted, often even when aware of surroundings, and its purpose. Often makes spontaneous irrelevant or incoherent utterances. Has very short attention span and while unintentionally disruptive, is frequently unable to maintain decorum appropriate to the situation.”
Last night, the Wilson family posted a statement on Brian’s Instagram. Under the conservatorship, they say, Wilson will be “able to enjoy all of his family and friends and continue to work on current projects as well as participate in any activities he chooses.” Here’s their full statement:
Following the passing of Brian’s beloved wife Melinda, after careful consideration and consultation among Brian, his seven children, Gloria Ramos and Brian’s doctors (and consistent with family processes put in place by Brian and Melinda), we are confirming that longtime Wilson family representatives LeeAnn Hard and Jean Sievers will serve as Brian’s co-conservators of the person.
This decision was made to ensure that there will be no extreme changes to the household and Brian and the children living at home will be taken care of and remain in the home where they are cared for by Gloria Ramos and the wonderful team at the house who have been in place for many years helping take care of the family.
Brian will be able to enjoy all of his family and friends and continue to work on current projects as well as participate in any activities he chooses.