Finding Chase Tells Us To Never Stop Chasing The Things That Make Us Feel “Butterflies” [New Single]

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American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Finding Chase is back with a new single, “Butterflies.” The multitalented artist tells us to never stop chasing the things that make us feel “Butterflies,” an ode to positivity, hope and love beautifully performed from start to finish. 

Finding Chase is the kind of artist hard to categorize, as he excels in so many genres and fusions that it is wiser to simply dive deep into his sound and let go of all attempts to make him in any given box. 

From rock, rap, acoustic and EDM, he likes to surprise his audience and help his fans get acquainted with new musical styles. Just recently, he announced that his upcoming release, the single “Can’t Stop” will be released on August 31st. Stay tuned!
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